Yuri Level of the Day!

Today's yuri level is:

2, until I find out otherwise

All's Quiet on (My) Yuri Front

*sigh* Besides the continued broadcast of Kobato (YES.), I haven't heard aaaaaaaaaaaaaanything about new yuri stuff. I guess this means it's time for me to rewatch old stuff, huh? Even my manga fixes are pretty scarce. What a terrible season. Also, probably one of the biggest things on any yuri fan's watchlist, the MAHOU SHOUJO LYRICAL NANOHA movie came out a couple days ago, and I have heard nothing about it. T_T I WANT TO SEEEEEEEEEEEE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!! Gah.

But yes. Let us move onto my actual point. Today is another Geeky As Charged post! Yay...? *cricket noises*

...I guess I'll just move forward, huh? So I'm taking an acting class this semester and all I can think about throughout it is manga like Skip Beat and Glass Mask. I wonder if reading/watching stuff like that will actually end up helping me...? But anyway, that's it for today's Geeky As Charged! Oh, and I suppose I should put a picture up... Hm. I'm hoping for this in the Nanoha movie:

I know it's unlikely, but a fan can hope, right? ...right...?

Pokémon Platinum

Some good news! There's finally a good DS emulator out there! Hooray~♫ It's for Windows, which sucks, because I have a Mac, but I somehow manage to make do with my Windows... emulator. >_> But anyway. The first game I got on my emulator was Pokémon Platinum! While you might say "What does this have to do with yuri?" you're too naive! Of course there's yuri involved! XD In this case, putting aside any knowledge you (or I, for that matter) have of the Pokémon anime, the yuri couple is Hikari x Shirona (Dawn x Cynthia). I have no idea how they emerged as a couple, just that the fanart of them can be pretty cute/funny. XD Plus, I hear that they get a date in Platinum... Who knows if that's true though.

.....................................*girl is doing research*...........................................

So apparently, the manga is a likely suspect for where this pairing came from (although there is still only a little subtext). I don't really mind except that NO ONE FREAKING SCANLATES THE POKÉMON MANGA. *sob*

Oh well. Have some pictures of the pairing (plus a really cute one I found~):

All right! I admit it! I got a Turtwig solely because of this picture! BUT IT'S JUST TOO DANG CUTE.

Geeky As Charged

Have you ever had those moments where, while walking around or doing something random, you notice something that reminds you of a fan work? It seems to happen to me a lot, so I'm going to start a new feature called "Geeky As Charged"! It won't be a weekly post or anything, but everytime I notice something, I'll make a small little post with the Geeky As Charged tag and possibly on the title too. OK! Explanations are over, so let's go!

Today's Geeky As Charged: I went to see the relatively new "Sherlock Holmes" movie the other day, and the only thing I could think of after was DezoPenguin's AU Mai-HiME series featuring Shizuru as Holmes and Natsuki as Watson. As of now, it's up to the third story. Here is one, two, and three. He also has a side-story up.

Sad, innit? Also, have a complimentary image! It's not official fanart for this fanfiction, but I think it works OK with DezoPenguin's series.

Sasameki Koto

Pre-Edit Edit: It occurred to me that I kept telling you guys to go and read Sasameki Koto but I didn't include a link to do so. Orz I'm sorry. But yeah, go here for the greatness that is Sasameki Koto!. And if you can't get there for some reason, go here instead and then click on the project page to find the previous chapters~

With the end of the year 2009 also comes the end of the winter anime season. And one of the things I'm saddest to see go is Sasameki Koto. I'll also miss Kobato, but it hasn't ended yet, so it's not applicable. XD I was going to try and release this post before the new year, but I ended up getting sidetracked and not finishing before midnight. Orz I was going to try to release this post sometime during the very start of the new year, but ended up getting sidetracked. *headdesk* BUT ANYWAY. THE SASAMEKI KOTO POST IS FINALLY HERE.

This post will be very image heavy. There might also be some NSFW images. Please proceed with caution.

Fandom wins and woes

So, I should be sleeping right now, but instead I'm going to post a little something for you guys. Doesn't this show how much I love you? Please disregard the still in progress post on Sasameki Koto. Today- well, tonight really- was pretty awesome yuri-wise. Not because of any new series or anything. Just, my favorite story EVER got updated today, and it was as awesome as ever. If you know at least a little bit about Negima and if you like Konosetsu, go ahead and check it out. I promise it's worth your time.

While we're on the subject of fandom, I might as well discuss some of my views about fandoms. I'm not going to lie, I'm largely removed from the various fandoms I like. I don't join every possible forum about my favorite pairings or series and, while I do buy the merchandise of my favorite series, I don't obsessively collect everything. I read a lot of fanfiction and try to get my hands on whatever doujin is out there, but my one epic fanfiction masterpiece is still in my head and not on paper. And I'd die trying to draw a doujin. So you could call me a passive fan. But recently, it seems that shipping wars are again growing.

I was lucky when I entered my first fandom. I came into it years after it had been popular, so the shipping wars- if any, actually- were pretty much over and done with. It also helped that I was pretty naive and open-minded and didn't really care who got with who as long as the story was good. I was lucky with the next big fandom too, as the major shipping war in that fandom had also largely vanished to the backburners (though of course there were a few battles here and there still raging). In one of my more recent fandoms, though, it seems that the war is going to come back. And that brings me to my main thought: Why can't people block themselves from reading something they don't like?

I've read of plenty of stories where authors get flamed just for writing a pairing that the flamer doesn't like. Why does this happen? I mean, really, it's not like you, as a reader, are compelled and must read every single story in the fandom. And while I can understand getting angry if the author intentionally mislabels his/her stories as one pairing when in reality it is another, most of the time the author clearly states about which pairing the story is written. It really irritates me that people in the fandom will flame an author just for writing something they don't like when it's the fan's fault for reading it in the first place. That's like getting a cleaver with a clear warning sign about how dangerous it is, purposefully chopping off a body part or something, and then trying to sue the maker of the cleaver for your injury. How stupid is that? And then it makes the rest of the fandom look stupid too. So I just want to say to the people who do this: Fuck you and I hope you get a lobotomy or some other gruesome death. You are the people that make fandoms look bad and you are the reason that shipping wars happen. Go take your Helen-of-Troy acts somewhere else, and GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FANDOM.


This is what happens when I don't get my sleep and instead trawl the internets. So now I will sleep and hopefully that post I've been promising will finally come out. Orz Also, a small image to keep you company:


Damn. I had this nice post laid out that I was going to release on New Year's Eve. And then that passed. I decided to post it on New Year's Day instead. And that passed. Now I still don't have it done and I haven't posted in about a week. Please forgive me. Orz

Normally, as compensation for leaving you guys with nothing to read, I would post something big, but that post is still in the works, unfortunately. So instead, I'll give you some of my news updates. Of the past anime season, Kobato is still going (pleasedon'tstopat13pleasedon'tstopat13pleasedon'tstopat13), Sasameki Koto has ended, which a post about is forthcoming, and Kimi ni Todoke is on hold because I can't stand the arc they are at right now. With my anime watch list pretty much empty, I'm going to try to catch up on old stuff, namely Aoi Hana, which I was going to watch when it came out, but was unfortunately with family and without a laptop. I heard it was good though. Besides watching old anime, I've also gotten really into Vocaloid. This is bad in many ways. One: It is similar to iDOLM@STER in that there are many characters and I like all most many of them. Two: It is similar to iDOLM@STER in that I've gotten hooked on it. So part of the reason I haven't been posting is because I've been trawling Danbooru the net for pics of Luka, who is one of my favorites. And I might go back to doing that now, so see ya! 8D