Today's Geeky As Charged is:
For one of my classes, I have to read some of Plato's works, specifically those dealing with Socrates. It's rather boring, not least because I'm not really interested in this. But one of the biggest problems I have is that the style of writing reminds me of a fanfic I read, called Inter Nos, which is very much in my interests. It's a Mai-Hime fanfic set in a universe very much influenced by Ancient Rome. So as I'm reading these selections, I'm constantly reminded that these people are set in Ancient Greece which just reminds me of the fic and makes me want to read it. Which I shouldn't do because I have a test coming up. So I'll just leave you guys with a random picture. Until next time!
This was a picture I found after searching for 'toga' in Danbooru. It has nothing to do with anything, but it reminds me of Inter Nos, so let's just leave it at that, hm?